Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hoo do we have here?

The other night three owls showed up at my house.
Here they were making a mess in my crafting area.

And staring at me
with their BIG

Later I found them sunning themselves
like they were in Hawaii on vacation. (pass the cocoa butter, please)

Then they flew around the kitchen a few times trying to elude the camera.
But I found them.

Finally they came to roost in the Christmas tree.


Where they have settled down to nap.

One of these fellas is for the Toy Society Christmas.

What is Toy Society you ask?

In their own words:
The Toy Society is a small project spreading the love throughout the streets. Nothing to it really just a bunch of handmade toys looking for a nice home.

What started as a small street art project in Australia is slowly spreading around the world.

The Toy Society Christmas is a world-wide toy drop happening this weekend! Not too long ago I stumbled upon the Toy Society and thought to myself what a cool idea. Then they announced the Christmas plans and I decided it was a the perfect time to play along and spread some cheer. If this sounds cool to you, I invite you to play along. Who wouldn't want to find a handmade toy proudly stating, "TAKE ME HOME. I'm yours!" any time of year!

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