Saturday, December 13, 2008

First present of the season

My good friend Charissa told me that my present was in the mail and that I couldn't open it until Christmas. When the package arrived I called to tell her my present had arrived safely. She surprised me by saying that I could open it now.

Really? Are you sure?

Yes, I could definitely open my present.

So I opened my first Christmas present of the season.

Lo and Behold my new iron!
for Christmas
It is a Reliable digital Velocity.

I have been wanting a new iron as my old one was pretty crappy and wasn't really made for pressing. Cursorily I have been researching irons and heard some good things and bad things about the Rowentas. But I hadn't really commited to buying an iron anytime soon. But thanks to Charissa's inquiring mind and Carla doing a little research I have a really beauty and soon to be workhorse of an iron.

This iron is serious. It is funny to be so excited about an iron, but I was doing a happy dance about my iron. I have only used it once and it is like ironing with a whistling tea kettle. This puppy throws off some serious steam. As the sewing projects progress and more ironing ensues I will report back on the iron as I figure it out.

Thank you Charissa! You are a ROCKSTAR!

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