Monday, November 10, 2008


Today my adorable, counting down the days till official teenhood nephew, Tyler and I had a golf lesson. We had a lot of fun hitting balls on the range and practicing our putting. He has grown so much over the summer that he is about to inherit my clubs, as his clubs are just a bit too short.

golf lesson

Afterward we met my Mom and Tyler's mom for dinner.
two goofballs
Tyler & Grammy sat across from me.

Mom & Ty



Good times
I am really grateful for the love my family has for each other. We enjoy each others company. Can you tell? I am truly grateful that I have such a smart and loving nephew. I am very happy that Tyler likes to do things with me like play golf and video games. He gives me big bear hugs. I really can't get enough of those. I love helping him with his homework. He got straight A's last year and was really proud of himself. He is kind and considerate and he loves animals. Tyler is our personal pet sitter. He is really growing up to be a fine young man and I am really proud of him.

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