Sunday, October 05, 2008

Day One: LA to El Paso

The car is loaded.

Two wild gyspy women on Sunset Blvd ready to get on the road.

The windmills of my mind

Oh yeah, and we gotta hitch hiker.

Mira the Meerkat is scratching and clawing her way to Texas.

Don't let this picture fool you.

El Paso in the morning.

We got a late start, but we got on the road. The 7am start time turned into high noon. You know how it is when you are making a big move. There is packing and repacking involved, but Carla managed to make room for my suitcase and all the snacks I picked up at Trader Joe's. There is one feisty cat in the car and two women singing their fool heads off through 3 states. Mira sits in her carrier most of the time because otherwise she is tearing us up. I got a speeding ticket somewhere in New Mexico by Officer Justice. We got to El Paso at 2am but that dang time was really 3 am. Mira attacked my head at 5am. We got up at 8am. We are off to eat breakfast and then hit the road again.


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