Sunday, November 01, 2009

Bock Bock, Flap Flap, Scratch Scratch

Friday night, my cousins Robert & Mary had a Halloween Party. Now a lot of pictures were being taken by multiple cameras and I did not get a picture of the host and hostess. And they looked good too. Bad form on my part. I really need to work on my party picture taking.

You may remember the summer barbeque I attended where I ate bacon wrapped dove breast that Robert had shot the day before.

Some of you may know that I was a chicken for Halloween.

There was some definite trepidation in going over to Robert's house dressed as fowl. There are several birds and animals stuffed and mounted around the house. My hubby assured me that Robert was not a chicken hunter, but who knows what goes on in the mind of a hunter after some drinks and catching feathers running by in the corner of his eye. Luckily, his six shooter was not loaded.

My mom, the gypsy, and Roy, the cowboy. There were lots of cowboys at the party. It seems that every man has a cowboy hat lurking in their closet.

This is my cousin Debbie & my aunt Mary Lynne. Aren't they cute?

It really is fun when family gets together and this was even better because we were all in costumes!

Me and the hubby.

Family Portrait: Debbie, Bud & Mary Lynne

The inspiration for my costume came from a Martha Stewart child's costume and a conversation with my friend Annette.

I totally stole her costume idea, but it's not like we went to the same party or anything. Although more than one chicken roosting at a party is pretty dang funny in my opinion.

What did you dress up as for Halloween?

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