The hubby has been cultivating his first sourdough. This started from a seed culture, which was then turned into a barm. This is a wheat sourdough bread based on the famous bread maker Lionel Poilane's miche and this particular recipe is found the Reinhart book.

The Hubby was up at 5am and made a mama and two babies. One for my mom and one for Penny. He even put hearts on the baby bread.

I made a frittata with grilled asparagus, grape tomatoes, onions, and basil.

The frittata was served with a mixed green salad, pink grapefruit, pine nuts and a citrus dressing.

The table was set and we were ready to celebrate Mom with great love and affection.
Happy Mother's Day

in a goofy, happiest place on Earth is home on a summer day kind of way!
This photo was taken in August 1973.
What an adorable picture. I think my parents broke the camera when I was born. I have no "Mom & me" photos.
Aww that's not right.
But with the miracle of photoshop...you can recreate history.
Wow, that totally made me hungry! And what an adorable photo!
I've tried blogging several times now and why - WHY is it so hard! The instructions seemed easy???
Is this my crazy mom?!
Your mom's like, My kids are goofballs, but I love 'em.
I heart Joe's bread. Heck, I heart Joe.
I think I'm able to do his blog spot thing now - so... Natalie & Joe Thank you so much for the wonderful Mother's Day. You kids went all out! The luncheon was "D"-licious. Joe could start a business with his yummy bread and can Fed-Ex me a loaf anythime. I love my gifts and the Wii games were lots of fun. But the best part was spending the day with you. Thank you too for all the help on the computer. The posted picture was taken at a park we stopped for lunch on our way up to Calaveras Big Trees State Park to camp with Mike and Anne for a week. It brought back lots of good memories. Thank you and love you lots.
I think I'm able to do his blog spot thing now - so... Natalie & Joe Thank you so much for the wonderful Mother's Day. You kids went all out! The luncheon was "D"-licious. Joe could start a business with his yummy bread and can Fed-Ex me a loaf anythime. I love my gifts and the Wii games were lots of fun. But the best part was spending the day with you. Thank you too for all the help on the computer. The posted picture was taken at a park we stopped for lunch on our way up to Calaveras Big Trees State Park to camp with Mike and Anne for a week. It brought back lots of good memories. Thank you and love you lots.
I've met your Mom and you're very lucky! She's a doll.
L*O*V*E the vintage photo. L*O*V*E Joe's bread and your faboo M-Day spread! What a darling family.
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