Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby Parade

Hello Everyone!

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
What a beautiful prelude to Barack Obama's inauguration tomorrow.

We are definitely entering a new era in America with our new president coming in and the present economic times. President Obama has his work cut out for him. It will not be easy to find solutions for our present concerns as a country. For Barack Obama, I hope for much success in his new presidency. I hope he will be feeling the love as I tune in tomorrow to watch the inauguration.

With that being said, what could be more hopeful than a baby parade of pictures from my recent trip to Texas. Cookie and Kiss are 10 months old now. Kiss got her first tooth and Cookie is cutting two at the same time. He has been drolling for 3 long months now in a profuse Niagra sort of way.

Kiss is a super fast crawler and is pulling herself up onto everything. She is pretty steady on her feet so she will be taking some steps in the near future. She also loves to eat, in a two fisted kind of way. I call her the woodchipper. She devours her food. She has a very healthy appetite and totally wants to feed herself.

Cookie, on the other hand, is a very laid back little dude. He is crawling but not with the same intensity or speed. He's a little get along or I'm coming type of guy. In the eating department, he is the little prince. He really has it all figured out. "Why should I do it when everyone else is willing to put it in my mouth directly." Pretty smart little fellow, but if they don't leave him to his own devices he'll never get the eye-hand coordination that will be vital to his video game future. hehe. It looks like he will possibly be a southpaw too.

Thank you for all the Birthday Love!
It was truly a fantastic birthday.

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