On the Monday of our trip, we decided to get out early before the rains started. The first stop was Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park.
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into the trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves" ~ John Muir
Coast redwoods
Pfeiffer Falls
Julie Pfeiffer Burn State Park
Snake & poison oak
For color on a gray day go to the Spirit Garden
a nesting place
We had a wonderful day hiking and taking in the breathtaking beauty of Big Sur. Before we left our cabin that morning we got the crock-pot going for dinner. Beef Burgundy*. It had started to rain by the time we got home in the late afternoon. We opened the door to the cabin and it smelled amazing. We did some last minute prep to add to the stew and boiled some potatoes to serve it over. Dinner was hearty and delicious.
Snuggled up, warm, dry and well fed, we feel asleep to the sound of pouring rain on the roof.
*The recipe we used for Beef Burgundy in a Slow Cooker can be found on the America's Test Kitchen website. You have to register (it's free) to view the recipe.
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