Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Since you asked...

Thank you everybody for all your kind comments. Wow. I am still marveling that it is finished.

This past weekend was spent in serious decompression. Strange dreams stalked me in my sleep. The first night I was dreaming about the final formatting and what data needed to be included then I woke up and realized there was nothing left to do. It was done. The second night I had a dream that I was late turning in a paper for English class that was worth 25% of my final grade. But when I got to class I realized that I didn't have the book. In fact, I didn't know what the book looked like. In my confusion I realized that I never went to class all semester. I hadn't turned anything in. I was going to fail English class and graduation was 3 days away. You know I woke up in a sweat with that one. So strange how the body and the mind are still in fight mode after these long months.

Some of you asked about the topic of my dissertation.

My research destination...

Las Vegas

I got a job...

in a casino

And became a...

Cocktail Server

My ethnography focused on...

Women's work.

With an emphasis on...

Body and Body Image

And how it is...



Commodified on the job

The internalization of the male gaze combined with the objectification and commodification...

Often leads to aesthetic surgery, which is a strategy used by the cocktail servers to conform to beauty ideals and create longevity for themselves in an industry that values youth and beauty.

That's it in a pictorial nutshell, which is so much more interesting than my abstract.

Thank you all again for your warm words. They really made me smile at a time when I should have been excited but found myself just completely exhausted, dumbfounded and slightly befuddled.

From the bottom of my heart....a BIG kiss! MWAH!

by Roadsidepictures; by Old Shoe Woman; by TRiver; by serakatie
by Marionzetta; by Kris Cohen; by Eat a Crayon Photography

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